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Delivered by Prof. Min H. Kim

2d graphics

CS30800: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of 3D computer graphics (based on OpenGL Shading Language)

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

2d graphics

CS580: Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Advanced topics in computer graphics (beyond OpenGL-based graphics)

computer vision

KTP592: Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Computer vision and machine vision

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision


CS482: Interactive Computer Graphics, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Team-project course that builds an interactive OpenGL video game on a mobile platform

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision

2d graphics

CS380: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of 3D computer graphics (based on OpenGL Shading Language)

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision

2d graphics

CS580: Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Advanced topics in computer graphics (beyond OpenGL-based graphics)

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision


CS482: Interactive Computer Graphics, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Team-project course that builds an interactive OpenGL video game on a mobile platform

computer vision

CS576: Computer Vision, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Fondations and applications of computer vision

computer vision

CS484: Introduction to Computer Vision, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of computer vision

2d graphics

CS380: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of 3D computer graphics (based on OpenGL Shading Language)

2d graphics

CS681: Computational Colorimetry, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Image-based measurement and perception material appearance in computer graphics

2d graphics

CS580: Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Advanced topics in computer graphics (beyond OpenGL-based graphics)

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python


CS482: Interactive Computer Graphics, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Team-project course that builds an interactive OpenGL video game on a mobile platform


COE203: Design Project for IT Convergence, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Providing hands-on experiences of IT convergence system design and cultivating students' capabilities of critical/creative thinking and technical communications

— Download [syllabus]

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

2d graphics

CS681: Computational Colorimetry, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Image-based measurement and perception material appearance in computer graphics


COE203: Design Project for IT Convergence, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Providing hands-on experiences of IT convergence system design and cultivating students' capabilities of critical/creative thinking and technical communications

2d graphics

CS380: Introduction to Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Foundations of 3D computer graphics (based on OpenGL Shading Language)

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

2d graphics

CS681: Computational Colorimetry, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Image-based measurement and perception material appearance in computer graphics

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python


ITC203: Design Project for IT Convergence, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Providing hands-on experiences of IT convergence system design and cultivating students' capabilities of critical/creative thinking and technical communications

2d graphics

CS580: Computer Graphics, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Advanced Global Illumination

2d graphics

CS492B: Intermediate Computer Graphics, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Intermediate level of 3D computer graphics

— NB The lecture code has been changed to CS380 since 2015

2d graphics

CS101: Introduction to Programming, Spring
KAIST, South Korea

— Programming skills and computational thinking with Python

2d graphics

CS780: Computational Colorimetry, Fall
KAIST, South Korea

— Image-based measurement and perception in computer graphics

— NB The lecture code has been changed to CS681 since 2014

2d graphics

Introduction to Computer Science (guest lecture), Fall

Yale University, New Haven, USA
— Introduction to computer graphics (color)

2d graphics

Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics (guest lecture), Fall

Yale University, New Haven, USA
— High-dynamic-range (HDR) imaging, tone-mapping, color reproduction, etc

2d graphics

Teaching Assistant (class: Databases, Networks, and Graphics), Term 2
University College London (UCL), London, UK

— Color spaces, image processing, vector math, scene graphs, etc


Teaching Assistant (class: Graphic Modeling and Visualization/3D Graphics), Term 1
University College London (UCL), London, UK

— Recursive ray tracing, boundary representation, and radiosity


Part-time Lecturer (class: Technical Principles of Photography), Summer
Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea

— Camera optics, exposure mechanism, chemistry for film, and sensitometry.

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