Jiwoong Na
PhD Student
[phone] +82-42-350-7864 |
Jiwoong Na (나지웅) is a PhD student in the Visual Computing Lab, KAIST. Jiwwong obtained his Master degree of Computer Science from KAIST 2024. Prior to coming to the KAIST-VCLAB, he obtained his BS degree in Computer Science from KAIST. His research interests include various applications of computer graphics and vision.
Research Interests: Computer Graphics and Vision
- Computational photography
- Computational imaging
Representative Publications
Shinyoung Yi, Donggun Kim, Jiwoong Na, Xin Tong, Min H. Kim (2024), “Spin-Weighted Spherical Harmonics for Polarized Light Transport,” ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), presented at SIGGRAPH 2024, 43(4)
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