Consistent Tone Reproduction |
Min H. Kim |
Jan Kautz |
Dept. of Computer Science, University College London |
Abstract |
In order to display images of high dynamic range (HDR), tone reproduction operators are usually applied that reduce the dynamic range to that of the display device. Generally, parameters need to be adjusted for each new image to achieve good results. Consistent tone reproduction across different images is therefore difficult to achieve, which is especially true for global operators and to some lesser extent also for local operators. We propose an efficient global tone reproduction method that achieves robust results across a large variety of HDR images without the need to adjust parameters. Consistency and efficiency make our method highly suitable for automated dynamic range compression, which for instance is necessary when a large number of HDR images need to be converted. |
author = {Min H. Kim and Jan Kautz},
title = {Consistent Tone Reproduction},
booktitle = {Proc. the Tenth {IASTED} International Conference
on Computer Graphics and Imaging ({CGIM 2008})},
year = {2008},
pages = {152--159},
publisher = {{IASTED/ACTA} Press},
address = {Innsbruck, Austria}, URL = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1722332}
Images courtesy of Martin Cadik, Cornell University, Paul Debevec, Yuanzhen Li, Dani Lischinski, Industrial Light & Magic, Dani Lischinski, Jack Tumblin, and
Greg Ward (in alphabet order of surname) |
Hosted by Visual Computing Laboratory, School of Computing, KAIST.